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Learning C++ for Beginners

Dev C 2b 2b Tutorial Pdf Editable

Plus, he's put a wealth of top-notch (and free) tools on the CD-ROM, including the Dev-C compiler, linker, and debugger-and his own LlamaWorks2D game engine. Step-by-step instructions and ample illustrations take you through game program structure, integrating sound and music into games, floating-point math, C arrays, and much more.

Welcome to the beginner series of tutorials on how to learn C++ programming. While you can use any Native C++ Compiler in these tutorials, we will use the free Microsoft C++ Compiler.

Dev C 2b 2b Tutorial Pdf Editor

A C++ Console application (text input / text output to the console window), is the easy way to learn all the fundamentals of C++ programming. It is really all you'll need to get started in C++.

We will also cover Functions and OOP (Object Oriented Programming) later in the series.

We write console applications like you see below.

Read the tutorials:

Part 1 – Installing Visual C++ Express
In this tutorial, you learn how to download and install Microsoft Visual C++ Express. It is free, and easy to learn. It also offers more than enough features to learn C++ programming.

Start learning the basics of writing programs in C++. Program a simple Console text input/output program, and learn the two kinds of errors (bugs) that prevents programs from running.

Start using the Conditional ' if ' statement, which compares 2 or more variables inside the parenthesis of the 'if' statement. Program a real App, a Simple Calculator.

Dev C 2b 2b Tutorial Pdf Tutorial

Part 4 – else if Statement in C++

We go into detail on the 'if' statement. This includes the statements else, else if, and nesting if-else statements. Then we will start a new programming Project: Metric Converter.

Part 5 – 'switch and loops'

In the 5th tutorial for beginners in C++, we will introduce you to the 'switch' statement and in the later part will move to the iteration structures such as 'for', 'while', 'do while' loops.

Part 6 – Arrays & Strings

In this tutorial we are going to introduce you with the most fundamental data structure i-e Numbered Arrays in C++. We are also going to have some fun with Strings in C++.

We have discussed arrays and strings in the previous tutorial. Now is the time to discuss something more advanced and technical. Yes, we are going to discuss pointers in this tutorial.

Functions… a very important aspect of any programming language. We will describe what a function is, what its uses are and then give examples of how a function can be used in C++.


Learn about the default way of passing values to function parameters. Call by Value does not let values that change, be passed back, altering the original variable.

Learn the advantages to calling a function by reference. This can be done by pointers as well. Copy and paste code in the examples.

Dev c 2b 2b tutorial pdf tutorial

Dev C 2b 2b Tutorial Pdf File

Learn about the ‘const' modifier and how to use it in functions, global and local variables, and with pointers. Clear and easy.

A lot more C++ tutorials on the way. We have yet to finish this tutorial series on C++, so stay tuned. Until then, check the links below for more programming tutorials.


Dev C 2b 2b Tutorial Pdf File

Learn about the ‘const' modifier and how to use it in functions, global and local variables, and with pointers. Clear and easy.

A lot more C++ tutorials on the way. We have yet to finish this tutorial series on C++, so stay tuned. Until then, check the links below for more programming tutorials.

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Book Name: C++ Windows Programming
Author: Stefan Bjornander
ISBN-10: 1786464225
Year: 2016
Pages: 428
Language: English
File size: 12.8 MB
File format: PDF

C++ Windows Programming Book Description:

It is critical that modern developers have the right tools to build practical, user-friendly, and efficient applications in order to compete in today's market. Through hands-on guidance, this book illustrates and demonstrates C++ best practices and the Small Windows object-oriented class library to ease your development of interactive Windows applications.

Begin with a focus on high level application development using Small Windows. Learn how to build four real-world applications which focus on the general problems faced when developing graphical applications. Get essential troubleshooting guidance on drawing, spreadsheet, and word processing applications. Finally finish up with a deep dive into the workings of the Small Windows class library, which will give you all the insights you need to build your own object-oriented class library in C++.

What you will learn

  • Develop advanced real-world applications in Windows
  • Design and implement a graphical object-oriented class library in C++
  • Get to grips with the workings of the integral aspects of the Win32 API, such as mouse input, drawing, cut-and-paste, file handling, and drop files
  • Identify general problems when developing graphical applications as well as specific problems regarding drawing, spreadsheet, and word processing applications
  • Implement classes, functions, and macros of the object-oriented class library developed in the book and how we implement its functionality by calling functions and macros in the Win32 API

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